Impact of ICAF and


Grow engagement in the Olympics through the art of sport.


Grow Creativity and Empathy to Brighten the

Through children's creative and empathic development, ICAF contributes to fulfilling six critical UN Social Development Goals (SDGs). You can help extend our outreach to poorest communities.

Reduce poverty

Promote good health

Bring quality education

Ensure gender equality

Reduce inequities

Build peace in communities and the world


Empowering the Next Generation

ICAF has enhanced the self-esteem of over five million young people children by providing them opportunities to create original works and showcasing their art globally. Our initiatives foster bonds of friendship and understanding, empowering children to become globally competent citizens.

Elevating Youth Voices

Showcasing Children’s Talents

Broaden Horizons with Art

Use teaching materials from ChildArt magazine to enrich your curriculum and introduce students to the power of art in understanding cultural diversity and global issues.

World Children’s Festival

Learn more about the World Children’s Festival,  the World Children’s Award, and our research and publications promoting STEAMS education that integrates Arts and Sports with STEM disciplines.

ChildArt Magazine’s Teaching Supplements

ICAF offers a range of programs and initiatives that harness the power of art and creativity to positively impact children's lives.

Support ICAF's Global Mission
Join us in making a positive impact on children's lives worldwide.
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