Participate for Free!.



It's easy to register and completely free!.

You must register to upload your artwork or to vote for your favorite artist or artwork..

Register here.

Create & Share.

Artists, aged 14 to 20:
Share your creations!.

Unleash your creativity by painting or drawing your favorite Olympic sports. We accept digital or AI art..

Register, Upload, and Share to get votes..

View & Vote.

For your favorite artwork.

Any teen or adult can be a judge..

Register first, then search for the artists by name or country, and vote. You can vote only once..

Sponsor or Partner.

You can change lives!.

You can help reassure young people that their chaotic and divided world has hope. .

Click here for sponsorship..

Contact us for a partnership..

Donate now.


Submission made simple

How to Submit.

Create an account with us, go to your dashboard and upload your work..

How to Submit.

Accepted Formats.

All entries will be submitted digitally, but you're free to choose any format you'd like. Let your imagination take the lead on how to create your work..

Accepted Formats.

Share your Favorites.

Everyone gets 1 vote. You can share your favorite piece through social media for more votes..

Share your Favorites.

How much does it cost?.

All entires and votes are free! This is thanks to our generous sponsors and donors supporting this amazing event!.

How much does it cost?.


mouse scroller icon.
arrow pointing downwards.

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  • When does it start?.

    The #MyFavoriteSport event kicks off at an interactive exhibition in Paris..

    July 15th, 2024

  • Register to Enter and Vote.

    This is the time to engage your creative mind. Make your entry before August 15th, 2024..

    July to August

  • Public Choice Winners.

    The gold, silver, and bronze winners, selected through public votes, will be announced on August 20th, 2024.

    20th August, 2024

The Art of Living: Wisdom from Visionary Thinkers.

 Arrow pointing down.

Sport can create hope where once there was only despair..

Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela.

Maya Angelou.

Marcel Proust.